Notes Field

This field, in Edit T&A, is where you can enter any notes you wish for a given record. Such as, the reason a person was late or why a person was assigned to another position during the shift etc.

You can also set up ETP to automatically enter some types of notes by going into Utilities->Customize Software->Time and Attendance tab and checking the following boxes:

If this is checked, ETP will automatically make an entry in the notes field every time a time record is overridden in Edit T&A. For instance, if an In-Swipe was changed/added because an employee forgot to swipe-in or the calculated Time value was altered.

Check this box if you want to have ETP automatically make an entry when a record has been added in Edit T&A.

Below are some examples of Various notes entered for one employee. Some are manual entries, others are automatic entries by ETP.