Employee Specification Buckets

  Click the FILE CABINET button to get into the Selection Buckets.

These buckets are arranged to quickly pick a specific record or a range of records. The purpose of the buckets is to select only the relevant records that you need to work with. For example, if your company/organization has 500 employees, it would not be practical to be working with all 500 employees every time you want to ADD/EDIT a record. It is much faster to go into the selection buckets and narrow down the group of employees you need to work with. You may only want to work with only one or two employees from one department and two shifts. Follow the procedure below to make a selection.

Each employee, by default, has a Department, Status and Shift assigned to them. They may or may not have a Supervisor depending on how you have setup the system.

To make selections from the 'Available' drop-down boxes, use the >> button to select one at a time, or use the 'SELECT ALL' button to move all 'Available' records to the 'Selected' records. To move records from 'Selected' back to 'Available', use the << button for one record or the 'Select All' for all records.

Begin by specifying the following:





As you make the various selections, a list of available employees, who meet the criteria specified, appears in the window on the bottom left of the screen labeled 'Employee' :


TIP: Follow the same procedure to remove employees from the Selected records box and send them back to the Available records box.
