Deductions and Additions

This is where you will specify how much time to add/deduct from a shift for such items as lunch, dinner etc.



Deducting Time from a Shift


In the above case, the employee would receive 08:00hrs pay for a full shift.


Minimum Lunch Deduction

Rather than using the automatic deductions A dollar or time value that is automatically deducted from an employees' time records. described above, you can instead enter a Minimum Deduction.

When employees leave the premises for lunch or are required to scan out for lunch, you can specify a minimum lunch deduction here. Click the check box and enter the value of the deduction.

Note: if you choose this option, the Automatic Deduction becomes unchecked. You cannot have both an Automatic Deduction and a Minimum Deduction.


Adding Time to a Shift

To automatically add time to a shift, click the check box. Specify how much time the employee has to work in order the receive the additional time, then enter the amount of time to be added.