Crew Scheduling

This feature of ETP is used for scheduling your employees one week at a time. You can pick and choose employees and drag and drop them into various shifts and positions.

Follow the procedure below to set up and use the Crew Scheduler.

Instructions for setting up and using Crew Scheduling.

Defining Shift Periods

Once you have defined all of the Shift Periods, Exit the Setup Shift Period window. This will take you back to the Schedule tab.

Setting up Crewing Templates

In the example above, four positions have been added to the '0701 Barrel Fab, Plasma' Department.

Adding Crewing Positions and Assigning Actual Shifts to Crew Shifts


Note: You will have to setup 'Crewing Positions' for each of the Departments that you want to include in your Crew Scheduler!


Additional Setup Items

Using the Crew Scheduler

To use the Crew Scheduler, go to Operations->Schedules->Crew Scheduling.


Note: You must follow the procedures outlined above before attempting to use Crew Scheduling. The Crew shifts etc must be set up first!!!

The Crew Scheduling Window