Flagging Overtime

NOTE: Overtime banks must be defined and assigned to employee(s) in the Setup of ETP. Only then will you be able to bank overtime and make changes in Edit Time and Attendance.

There are three types of flags that will appear in the 'Bank' column in Edit T&A:

  1. '-' ... the hyphen denotes that you must manually bank the overtime. For every Overtime entry, you will have to manually 'approve' the record before the time will be banked. Time Banks Setup

  2. 'B' ... all overtime will be put in a 'Bank All Overtime' bank (standard overtime bank).

  3. ' B*' ... all overtime will be put in a 'Premium Overtime' bank. The amount of time added to Premium Overtime bank will be displayed in the B1.5 column. Keep in mind that the value here is the number of regular hours to be banked.

Changing the Flag