Attendance Exception Reports

The reports contained in this menu are very useful for tracking an employee(s) attendance record. If an employee is continuously late, leaves early, or is absent on a regular basis, you can print out a report and present it to the employee, or his/her representative for disciplinary purposes.

Below is the Attendance Exception Information sub menu. To get more information about each report, click on the desired report.

Attendance Exception Analysis

This is the most detailed of the attendance exception reports ( absents These are the codes used to identify the various reasons an employee is absent from work. ). You can specify which absent codes to include, early/on-time/late clock-ins, early/on-time/late clock-outs, find out who is on the premises etc.


Points Analysis

This report will summarize the point accumulated by selected employees for a specified date range. The points system is setup when Time Calculation Rules are defined as well as when certain non-paying absent codes are defined.


Perfect Attendance Analysis

A summary of selected employees who have a perfect attendance record. If you have an employee attendance incentive program, this report will display employees with a perfect attendance record for a specified time period.