Employee Availability Patterns

Employee availability will keep an on-going record of who is available to work, and under what circumstances. You create patterns for groups of employees, or individual circumstances, and then post them to the employees. You will use these patterns, when your building schedules, or substituting employees that are not showing up for work.

A good majority of your staff are probably available seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. This would be a good starting point for a pattern. You will post this pattern to your employees. The employees that don’t fit this pattern will have to have other availability patterns created for them.

The Employee Availability Pattern setup window:


Creating an Employee Availability pattern

Enter a relevant code name, such as ATT for All the Time.

Enter a brief description of the EAP.

Click on the drop-down arrow to choose a day for the week to begin on (usually Monday).

Select the days of the week that the employee is available to work on, by clicking the check box. Once the box is checked, the 'Times' boxes will appear.

Enter the 'From' and 'To' times that the employee is available during the chosen day. In the above case the employee is available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week! You might make up a pattern for employees who are available Monday thru Friday, 07:00hrs to 15:30hrs (use the 24hr clock for this).

Note: Make sure you click the OK button to save the pattern, If you click EXIT before OK, the Pattern will not be saved!


Post Employee Availability Patterns