Employee Schedules Calendar

Once you have set up schedule patterns and posted schedules for your employee(s), it is here is Operations->Schedules that you can view the results.

From the Calendar, you can view the details of a particular employees schedule, make substitutions, add/remove scheduled day, and toggle to other important areas Scheduling

Follow the steps outlined below to view/edit Employee(s) schedule.

  1. Open Employees Schedules ... this will display the currently selected employee(s) entire posted schedule, one month at a time. Choose the start date from the Date box.

  2. Closed With To/From Date ... this will display the currently selected employee(s) schedule within a specified date range. When you choose this option, the Date boxes will both become enabled, allowing you to pick a 'From Date' and 'To Date'.

  3. Inter-Department Substitution Check First ... If you check this box, ETP will look through the employee schedules within a department to see if any substitutions have been made. If there has been a substitution, it will be shown on the calendar.

For an explanation of each area of the Calendar screen, click when the standard cursor changes to hand cursor.

Employee and Date bars.

Click here to toggle the Name Display to a drop-down list of the currently selected employees

Calendar button, click to toggle the month selection.

Click here to toggle the Employee or Month. The employees and dates will change within the Employees and Dates specified earlier.

Calendar Grid


Adding/Editing a Scheduled Day.

  ...Schedule Window


Adding/Editing an Absent Day

... Absents These are the codes used to identify the various reasons an employee is absent from work. Window.


Making a Substitution.

...Substitution Window.


Adding/Editing an Holiday

...Holidays Window.

Shortcut buttons

  Shortcut to 'Caught Shifts' window.


Calendar Command buttons

Toggles between the employees selected from the specification buckets ETP's filter/sort function. Allows the user to work with a selected group of employees rather than all employees at once. .

Toggles between the months included in the date range(s) selected.

Print a hard copy of the current month displayed.

Gets you the help you so desperately need!

Exit from the Calendar, takes you back to the specification window.