Schedule Patterns

Creating Schedule Patterns makes organizing your employees accurate and easy. Schedules created, tie in directly with actual swipe times from the time clock(s). You can create as many schedule patterns as required.

Start with the most common patterns first, for example, the 08:00am - 04:00pm shift from Monday to Friday. You will post this schedule pattern to your employees who work the 8-4 shift, Monday thru Friday. The remaining employees that don’t fit this pattern will have to have other patterns created for them. Once these patterns are created, you will post them to the corresponding employee(s).

Creating a Schedule Pattern
Append Week
Truncate Week

There are many types of scheduling patterns. You may have a schedule pattern that has a one week cycle or it may have a three month cycle. Once the cycle has been completed, you will have to re-post the schedule again. Below is an example of a pattern that has a Four week cycle.

Begin by choosing one of the radio buttons, Scheduled Day, Absent, or Holiday. See below for details about each one.

Scheduled Day

This would be a normal scheduled work day for the employee.

Click on the drop-down arrow and pick the Shift you want to assign to that day. Leave the default setting of < Take Employee's Home Shift > if that is the Shift to be assigned.

Click on the drop-down arrow and pick the Department you want to assign to that day. Leave the default setting of < Take Employee's Home Department > if that is the Department to be assigned.

Click on the drop-down arrow and pick the Position you want to assign to that day. Leave the default setting of < Take Employee's Home Position > if that is the Position to be assigned.

S = Shift D = Department P = Position


Absent day

Choose 'Absent' to include a scheduled absent day such as a Scheduled Day Off or a Union Meeting Day in the pattern.

Click on the drop-down arrow and pick the Absent code you want to assign to that day.

Specify the amount of time the employee is going to be absent (usually the entire shift).

Specify the amount of time the employee is going to be Paid for (usually 00:00).

SDO = Scheduled Day Off A = Absent Time P = Paid Time


Choose Holiday to include a Statutory Holiday in the pattern.

Click on the drop down arrow to choose the Holiday.

Specify the amount of time the employee is to be paid for the Holiday.

P = Paid Time


Below is a pattern for a nurse who normally works a 12hr shift on a 4 week rotation. He/She works 4 days on, 4 days off with a scheduled day off before and after each set of 4 shifts. The difference between a scheduled day off and a non-scheduled day off is related to the amount of pay the employee would receive if he/she were called into work on their day off. There is also a Statutory Holiday Any Public Holiday. Defined in Setup->Holidays. included in the rotation (Alberta Day). Although the actual Holiday may not fall on this day, this is the day when the employee is scheduled to be receive the Stat day off. (they may or may not be scheduled to work on the actual date of the Stat.

Employee Availability Patterns.

Post Employee Availability Patterns