
Positions are the 'Jobs' that employees are assigned to. You will set up all of your company positions here. Employees pay is usually calculated from the position that they are assigned to, so this is a particulars important section. Be sure that account for all of the positions that your company has set up.

To Add a Position


Procedure for Adding/Editing a Position


Note: If you click Exit before clicking Save, the new Position will not be saved!


Adding or Editing Positional Rates.


TIP: You can enter the current date by double clicking in the Date box (yellow if selected) or use the Quick-up Calendar button beside the Date box


Note: If you click Exit before clicking OK, the new rate will not be saved!


Deleting a Positional Rate

In General, you should not have any reason to delete a positional rate. If you want to change to rate due to a wage increase etc., go to Operations->Positional Rate Increase Run. Otherwise, avoid deleting any Positional rates if possible.

Note: Before you delete a Positional rate, be SURE it will not affect other records in ETP. You may have a positional rate assigned to group of employees etc. Contact Advanced Solutions for further assistance.

Adding Work Instructions

Click the button to access positional information from an external source. The instructions may be outlined in an MSWord document or an Adobe PDF document.

When the work instructions button is clicked, the following screen appears...

Click the ADD button to include a new external document, the following window will appear ...