
Shifts determine the start and stop boundaries, in which the employees will be working. ETP will allocate pay according to the shift assigned to the employee. You will assign these shifts to each employee either though the Employee profile or through the use of ETP's powerful Scheduling module.

To Add or Edit a shift


Procedure for Adding/Editing a Shift.

Note: if you enter a shift time that overlaps 2 calendar days (i.e. 11:30pm to 8:00am) the following message box will appear:

Click on the white box marked 'Prior to'. It will toggle back and forth between 'Prior to' and 'After'. This is to set the calculated time either to the day the shift started (Prior to) or to the day the shift ended (After). Which one you chose is entirely up to you. Prior to is the most common choice.


Note: Remember to click the Save button before the Exit button or your shift information will not be saved!

Closed Shift
Open Shift


Note: Open shifts are to be used only if necessary, as they can create confusion when editing scheduling, etc.


Changing a Shift's Time allocation setting


Shift Lunch Rules