
Premiums are 'extra' pay that an employee receives on top of his/her normal pay rate. Once created, these premiums must applied to the corresponding Shifts.

To Add a Premium code


Procedure for Adding/Editing a Premium Code


2hrs @ $00.50hr = $01.00 overtime premium

2hrs @ $00.75hr = $01.50 overtime premium (Premium Overtime rate = 00.50 * 1.5)

Note: This option is only enabled for Hourly and Time Zoned based Premiums.


Note: If you click Exit before clicking OK, the new Premium will not be saved!

Summary of Premium calculation methods.


With the Hourly premium, you can specify either a dollar or percentage amount to add to the pay rate.



The Single premium is a fixed amount that will be added to a shift. You can specify a Fixed dollar amount or a percentage amount for the shift.

Add a $25.00 premium to the shift. 8hrs @ $10.00 = $80.00reg + $25.00premium = $105.00 for the shift.

Add a 10% premium to the shift. 8hrs @ $10.00 = $80.00reg * 10% = $08.00premium = $88.00 for the shift.


Factor Based

The Factor Based premium is useful for manipulating existing rates by multiplying the rate and dividing it to come out with a new rate without having to set up a new position. It can be used when you have new employees who start out 'On Probation' and may have a rate that is 75% of the full rate for their particular position.


Time Zone

The Time Zone based premium allows you to specify a window of time in which a premium will be applied to a shift.


You can set up a contiguous time zone to run from 11:00pm on Friday evening to 11:00pm on a Sunday evening. The premium would only be calculated on hours that fall between these two times.


Time Lapse

This type of premium is useful if you want to pay a premium after a certain amount of time has elapsed in an employees shift.

On Call


The 'On Call' premium is used to pay employees who may be off the premises, but still on call. They are usually paid an hourly amount while on call.

Paying Overtime on Premiums

If you are going to include this premium with any overtime worked, select 'Y' from the box labeled 'Pay overtime on this premium'.

There are two choices for calculating the premium amount.

e.g. Premium base rate $00.60/hr * 1.5 = $00.90/hr

If overtime is not to be paid on this premium, select 'N' from the 'Pay overtime on this premium' box. The 'Pay on all Hours worked' check box will become enabled. Put a check here if the premium is to be paid for all worked hours, where no overtime is calculated at all.