Customize Software

This section is where you will set up various system defaults and preferences. It is divided up into eight areas. Click on the tab for a description of each tab.

General Tab

Below is a brief summary of the various settings under the General Tab.


Specify Canada or the United States.

Default Holiday/Absent Time

Enter the amount of hours to pay for a Statutory Holiday Any Public Holiday. Defined in Setup->Holidays. , usually 08:00hrs. Whenever a Holiday record is entered into ETP, this value will be the default. It can be overridden at the time the record is entered.

Enter a default value for absent time records, again, this is usually 08:00hrs. Whenever an Absent record in entered into ETP, this value will be the default. It can also be overridden at the time the record is entered.

Holiday Pay Averaging Calculation settings

Standard Calculation:

Total Hours/Total Shifts:

There is no Full Time Equivalent for this calculation, nor is Absent/Holiday time included in the calculation. These boxes become disabled when Total Hours/Total Shifts is selected.

Automatic Date Range Offset

Barcode Font

Rate Source

Choose the Rate Source to use as the default for all pay calculations. There are four choice here:

Also, if an employee is going to be working at different positions or departments during a logical day, you can direct the system to pay the highest rate for entire day by checking the corresponding box below. If this option is chosen, then specify the minimum amount of time an employee must work at a particular job before that job's rate will be considered when determining which rate to pay. Below, it is set to two hours. So if an employee worked for 01:30hrs at $500.00/hr and the rest of the shift(s), he/she worked at various jobs paying $10.00/hr to $15.00/hr, the $500.00/hr would not be considered and not taken as the pay rate for the day.


Time of Day/Time as Amount

Choose from the 12 hour clock (hh:mm am/pm) or the 24 hour clock (hh:mm).


Special Holiday Pay Run Averaging ... This is a special function for calculating how much stat holiday pay an employee will receive. ETP will look at the total number of hours worked, in the seven days prior to the stat, and divide that number by four to get the numbers of hours to pay for the stat. The maximum number of hours to pay is 8.

Shift-Lunch Rules ... Selecting this feature enables the user to specify Lunch Start/End times, Grace periods etc. for selected shifts. Once this feature is enabled, see Setup->Shifts to enter the start/end times.

Pay highest rate for overlapping time-zone premiums ... if an employee has time-zone premiums that overlap during the shift, the system will apply the highest premium for the shift.

Auto-Compact databases on start-up ... Will run the Compact Database function each time ETP is started. The frequency in which this is done depends on the amount of data being manipulated etc. It is recommended that a Compact Database be done once per week.

Use the Daily Tool Bar ... Enables the Daily Tool Bar for the most commonly performed functions in ETP.

Use the Points System The internal system within ETP that will issue points based upon an employees's lateness. It is manually configured in Setup->Time Calculation Rules->Tardiness Points Rules tab. to track Tardy/Late Employees ... enables the Points system. This system keeps a record of all lates/absences etc. A Points Analysis report is available under the Reports menu.

Employer Control Information Tab

This section is for entering company information. The information entered here will be displayed in the title bar of all the reports.

Schedule Tab

This section allows is where Crew Scheduling options are defined. See Crew Scheduling.


Custom Reports Tab

If any custom 'external' reports are to used, this is where they are added. Contact Advanced Tracker Technologies for more information about this feature. Note: these reports would be custom reports specified by the client and written by Advanced Tracker.


Advanced Tab

There are many miscellaneous items in this menu tab. Here is a summary of each item.

Set a static photo location

e.g. C:\ETP\EmployeePhotos

Pick up the General Ledger Account Number from Position/Department/Payroll Defaults for Premiums

Include the General Ledger Account Number on the Payroll Export where all the data from Employee Tracker is gathered and sorted into earning codes and exported to a data file. The data file is then imported into the company payroll program. Audit List.

General Ledger Account Mask

Export overtime with base rate for payroll.

External Payroll Magic

Enable 'Absent Code Groups' for percentage distribution of paid times.

Holiday Pay Override For Employee's Regular Days Off.

Rounding Style

Include Premiums when banking overtime.

Piece work calculations.

Bank Rates with Premiums attached

Use the Job Table

Use the related documents

Choose a character to use as a prefix on scan-fields.


User-Defined Employee Fields Tab

This section is useful if you want to add more Employee fields to the one's already defined by ETP. Items such as Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Weight etc. can be defined here. You can add as many User Defined fields as you wish.

Time and Attendance Tab

The Time and Attendance Tab allows the user to set various preferences for the display of the Edit Time and Attendance screen.

Note: Locking and unlocking of records can only be done by the MASTER user of ETP.

User Defined Employee Statistical Fields Tab

These fields allow the user to keep track of Year to Date hours and Seniority Numbers.