Absent Groups

The Absent Groups feature allows you to define a group of two absent codes that will automatically be tied together when they are entered in Edit Time and Attendance. For instance, if a company/organization has an employee on Worker's Compensation and has to make up the difference in the employee's wage, a ' WCB an example of an Absent code and/or an Employee Status code. ' absent code can be tied to a 'Makeup Difference' absent code.

Note: this function must first be enabled in Utilities->Customize Software->Advanced tab.

In the Absent Groups setup, the distribution of pay is defined. If ' WCB pays 75% of the employees wage and the company/organization must make up the rest, the 'Makeup Difference' absent code would be set to 25%. When a WCB absent record is added in Edit Time & Attendance, it will show the distribution of pay as defined by the Absent Group a group of two absent codes that will automatically be tied together when they are entered in Edit Time and Attendance. Used when the employee has to pay part of the employee wage while a third party is paying the rest of the wage (insurance company, compensation pay etc) . Although it would show the WCB absent code, no actual pay will be calculated as WCB will be paying it, however, the 25% that the company is responsible for would be calculated and paid by the company.

Follow the procedure outlined below to define an Absent Group.

ADD an Absent Group
EDIT an Absent Group
DELETE an Absent Group

Below, the Absent Groups window...