Payroll Export Run

This is where all the time and attendance records collected for a pay period will be sent to an export data file. The data file can then be sent your payroll provider. In order to use this function, the external payroll provider and specs. must be setup first, see Payroll Export Setup.

To complete a payroll export where all the data from Employee Tracker is gathered and sorted into earning codes and exported to a data file. The data file is then imported into the company payroll program. run, follow the procedure outlined below.

Create a Payroll Export File.


NOTE: If the CREATE button is not visible (replaced by a NEXT button), Click the CLEAR button to begin a new payroll export!


Edit Tab...

The drop-down list box contains all the employees included in the payroll run. Select employees by clicking on the drop-down arrow or use the PREVIOUS/NEXT buttons.

You can ADD , EDIT and DELETE records here by clicking the appropriate button. When Adding or Editing a record, the Payroll Export Transaction window appears. Enter the information required, then click the SAVE button.


NOTE: To edit a record, double click on the field to be modified and enter the new value.

Print Tab...

To print a hard copy of the payroll export information, go to the print tab and select the Sorting order. If you are sorting by Department or Supervisor, the check box labeled ' New page on new department/supervisor' will become enabled. Check this box if you want a new page for each Department or Supervisor.

C:\prism98\import is the path where the etexp.imp export file is located.

If the message box below appears, you will have to to back to the Payroll Export Setup and make sure you have specified the correct path and filename. Contact your payroll provider for more information.